Difference Between Horizontal & Vertical Gel Electrophoresis Systems!

Labs use electrophoresis to examine medicines, vaccinations, forensics, DNA profiling, or other life science applications. The method is also employed in fields like food science and mining with the help of electrophoresis accessories . In gel electrophoresis, proteins or nucleic acids move across a porous gel matrix. Proteins and nucleic acids both have a net-negative electrical charge, which is used to help the target molecule move more easily across the medium. Proteins and nucleic acids can be separated using gel electrophoresis according to their size. Horizontal Gel Electrophoresis During horizontal gel electrophoresis, a horizontally cast gel is immersed in a running buffer inside the gel box. The ionic running buffer creates a charge gradient when a current is delivered. A layer of agarose gel divides the two chambers in the gel box. A cathode is situated at one end, and an anode at the other. The gel, which warms up as a charge is applied, is cooled by the buffer. The running ...