How to select Air Reflux Condensers?

There are wide varieties of air reflux condensers available in the market. But the best option is to choose the one based on your needs and where you can compromise between performance and price. If you would like to buy the air reflux condensers , you can go for the one that will work both for the distillation and the reflux reactions. Here the solution is boiled and condensed afterward. It then assists in forming a particular reaction. The reflux process is helpful in accelerating a particular reaction on a thermal basis. It is entirely performed by conducting at a high temperature. The air reflux condensers' main work is to normalize the generated vapors and then convert them into liquid form. After its formation, the liquid component would be then sent back to the boiler. The reflux condenser is to abide by the loss of the solvent, therefore intensifying the reaction time when the flask can be heated. The reflux condensers come into two categories, i.e., Graham type and coil ...