What are Dosing Pumps and How It Works?

Positive displacement pumps are dosing pumps that inject chemicals or other materials into the flow of water, gas, or steam. Small dosing pumps offer an exact flow rate for optimal control. They are the focal point of an integrated dosing system created for the chemical industry's autonomous chemical dispersion. The applications and industries covered by this definition of dosage span from food processing to wastewater treatment. How Does a Dosing Pump Work? A dosing pump sucks a specific volume of fluid into its chamber, injects the chemical into a tank or pipe containing the liquid to be dosed, and then repeats the process. It is driven by an electric motor or an air actuator, and it features a controller that handles the flow rate and spins the pump on and off. More advanced control mechanisms are featured in some versions. Parts of a Chemical Dosing System A chemical dosing system consists of these parts: Chemical Container Injector Pump Dosing Line Control System Foot ...