A Complete Guide About the Calibration Weights in Laboratories
Calibration weights are perfectly suitable for balancing measuring instruments, scales, as well as balances. They are commonly seen in laboratories, manufacturing, as well as in shipping applications. In addition, they are mainstays in most laboratories as they help ensure that the lab balances provide you with accurate readings. However, they all are not made the same. The calibration weights are assigned a class based on the weight's accuracy. Moreover, there are different sets of weight classes, including ASTM, OIML, & NIST and there are certifications granted to different weights. Basically, these weights are used to check the scale's reading to ensure if it is still accurate. They are used when calibrating a scale. In this blog, we are going to discuss different classes of calibration weights, and we also see other factors to consider when purchasing weights. Important Classes of Weights NIST: NIST is referred to as the National Institute of Standards and Technology (...