Test Your pH Using pH Test Strips

It is a quick and simple way to determine whether you are more alkaline or acidic. Many people think that the body will function less when more acid is present in it. The most frequent effects of over-acidity are weariness, allergies, being overweight, and mood disorders. Making sure you drink 2-3 liters of alkaline water each day is one of the easiest things you can do that will have the most impact. Alkaline water has a higher pH and is packed with minerals to boost your health naturally and offer you a greater sense of well-being. Using pH drops, you may simply raise the pH of the water and then test it with the pH test strips . Eating a lot of fresh vegetables and leafy greens can also significantly alter your body's pH. Green drink supplements and liquid chlorophyll make excellent additions to the daily diet because they are packed with the freshest fruits, vegetables, herbs, young grasses, and leafy greens. Acids can be eliminated from the body's deep tissue layers with t...